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Community Practice Cohort Set to Begin January 2024

Three people having a coversation over lunchThe first community practice cohort is set to begin in January. Three leaders from three different organizations will work closely together over the course of three months. Each will dig into a particular workplace challenge, gaining insights and perspective to see the whole of their situation and formulate an effective path forward.

You have the opportunity to support these individuals by serving as a temporary trustee during the Roundtables. Trustees provide care, wisdom and perspectives, but not solutions to our cohort members. Roundtables will take place on the following dates:

Tuesday, January 23 – Registration Full

Tuesday, February 27 – – PLEASE NOTE: There is a waitlist for our February 27th Roundtable. Please reach out to Keri at to be added to the list.

Tuesday, March 26 – PLEASE NOTE: There is a waitlist for our March 26th Roundtable. Please reach out to Keri at to be added to the list.

Roundtables take place in-person at Augsburg University from 5:30pm – 8:00pm. Room, building, parking, and additional important details will be communicated to registered participants in advance.

Register to support these leaders:

If you have never been part of our Roundtables, it’s a great opportunity to experience it firsthand to see how this way of thinking and process could support you and your organization.